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About the Service
InternationalRescue Committee's (IRC) Protection and Rule of Law (PRoL) Department is providing essential protection services to internally displaced persons (IDPs)and host communities that need protection in the Karukh district. The department offers a range of services, including community empowerment, legal services, case management, protection monitoring, and psychosocial services.
The community empowerment activities involve conducting training for Community-Based Protection Committee (CBPC) members on protection issues and concerns assessment for IDPs and communities. The legal activities include legal counseling and awareness for individual and group members of IDPs and host communities regarding men, women, and child rights in Islam, access to civil documents in Afghanistan, and other legal issues.
The case management activities involve identifying cases from the fields in order to provide protection services through the PRoL department or refer them internally, externally, or to other service providers. The department also follows up on the cases.
The protection monitoring activities involve monitoring the community receiving services through IRC, especially the PRoL department, and conducting rapid protection assessments from IDPs and host communities.
The IRC's PRoL Department is playing a vital role in providing essential protection services to IDPs and host communities in Afghanistan. Through its various programs, the department is empowering communities, providing legal assistance, managing cases, and monitoring the situation to ensure the safety and well-being of vulnerable populations.
Accessibility& Additional Information
Eligible people (Adults) who need the mentioned services in Karukh District,Herat province, can contact the employees of the IRC office in the province. If necessary, people in need can go to the field office of the InternationalRescue Committee in this province or contact this organization by via Information Center and benefit from these services. The office address, days andworking hours of this office are given below:
ServiceTime: Everyweek from Sunday to Thursday from 08:00 am to 04:00 pm.
International Rescue Committee Address: House #24 - Infront of Ferdosi 23, Jada-e-Mokhberat, District 3, Herat City, Herat.
InformationCenter:People who need humanitarian services can ask via WhatsAppnumber (0729807235) or FacebookMessenger ofthis online platform to get information and get answers to their questions. TheAsk team provides information online to those in need of humanitarian servicesof international organizations and, if necessary, refers the needy to therelevant departments to receive and access the services.
Key Points
Note:Toknow the exact location of the International Rescue Committee (IRC) office onGoogle Maps, click on the this address.