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The International Rescue Committee (IRC) supports the non-formal education of girls and boys by providing educational materials in Khushi district
of Logar province.
The IRC conducts a special assessment to identify vulnerable villages and establish training classes and provide educational grounds. After identifying the local educational centers, the IRC office distributed teaching materials like The IRC conducts a special assessment to identify vulnerable villages and establish training classes and provide educational grounds. After identifying the local educational centers, the IRC office distributed teaching materials like lined notebooks, drawing notebooks, colored pencils, bags, slate boards, water bottles, permanent markers, correction pens, scientific calculators, and cloth mask for the students and teachers.
The International Rescue Committee is committed to ensuring that girls and boys have access to education and encourages communities to recognize education as a human need.
In addition, the Girls and Boys Education Support Program in the Khushi District of Logar Province provides adequate training for parents and community members to participate in children's access to education.
In order to qualify for the service, you have to be eligible - currently, the service is provided to formal/ official schools, and they are free of charge.
The service provided uses Dari, Pashto and English languages, including sign language.
To access the service, booking an appointment is required. Please visit IRC office in Logar Province or contact information center.
Service time: every week from Sunday to Thursday from 08:00 am to 04:00 pm.
Information Center: People who need humanitarian services can ask via WhatsApp number (0729807235) or Facebook Messenger of this online platform to get information and get answers to their questions. The Ask team provides information online to those in need of humanitarian services of international organizations and, if necessary, refers the needy to the relevant departments to receive and access the services.
Note: To know the exact location of the International Rescue Committee (IRC) office on Google Maps, click on the following address: